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Take 5 is the perfect combo of crystals to use when life becomes too much & you need a break. The intention in this set helps you take time to heal, restore yourself, renew your spirit, reevaluate, and take action with a refreshed outlook during difficult times.


Take 5 Includes:

  • Amazonite: Take a moment to disconnect & quiet your mind. Establish & maintain a healthy lifestyle & personal boundaries. Trust yourself & Divine Team with unwavering faith. Stop reacting out of fear & anger and start believing in yourself. Combines self-discipline, an open mind, and "can do" attitude to achieve anything. Embrace being loved & cared for by others. Heals & soothes nervous system.
  • Blue Calcite: Rest, relax & recover from daily stress. Stop excessive self-criticism, worry, obsessive tendencies, and feeling overwhelmed. Balance emotional, physical & mental energy so you feel safe & peaceful. Release all self-doubt, emotional blockages, and habitual patterns holding you back. Heals the effects of stress on your mind, body, and soul.
  • Rose Quartz: Make self-love your highest priority by taking the time to practice authentic self-care. Open your heart to unconditionally loving & accepting yourself. Be gentle & compassionate with yourself during tough times. Radically improve self-worth, self-esteem, and  self-confidence. Fills your heart with happiness & gratitude by shifting your focus to the positives in the present moment.
  • Clear Quartz: Activates, clears, and  aligns all chakras so you feel energized & centered. Raises your vibe by removing stagnant energy & energy blockages in the body. Cleanses, repairs, and strengthens aura to improve your well-being & remove energetic attachments. Let go of mental burdens & overthinking so you can focus on solutions & what's important in life.
  • Spotted Rhyolite: Slow down & connect with yourself so you can tune into your needs & wants. Eliminate catastrophic thinking with positive thoughts & words and optimistic attitude. Overcome obstacles calmly, with new perspective, and inner strength. Find harmony & balance in your daily life and courage to accept "what is" without "spiraling", so you can make needed changes. Encourages you to reach your full potential by confidently moving forward with a renewed spirit & enthusiasm.
  • 1 Reiki Infused Intention & Affirmation Card


Take 5 Affirmation:

I take time to love, heal, care for, and recharge myself.

Take 5 Crystal Set

  • This Divinely guided crystal set is infused with Reiki & Archangel healing energy and set with specific intentions for healing by a spiritually gifted healer and Reiki Master. Each crystal is cleansed & charged before it’s shipped to you. We also cleanse every item in your package to ensure you receive nothing but love & light in every package you receive from Soul Sistas.

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